Thanks to your support, we were delighted to donate new video game equipment to the Snowfields Adolescent Unit at Maudsley Hospital.

Snowfields offers mental health care for adolescents with serious mental illness who require hospital admission. They provide a broad range of interventions, delivered by a team of psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, teachers, occupational therapists, social workers and other therapists.

You can support us to bring more gaming supplies to mental health units.

Young people on the unit helped choose what equipment Snowfields would receive, deciding on a Nintendo Switch along with games such as Nintendo Switch Sports and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. These will be used both as part of structured activities on the unit as well as enjoyed by young people during their downtime. The staff hope that the equipment can be useful for education sessions, fitness activities, development of practical skills, and as an opportunity for social engagement and general enjoyment for young people staying on the unit.

Maudsley Hospital in an online post said “A huge thank you for your support for our young people”.

We hope that this donation will help Snowfield Adolescent Unit’s efforts in supporting the mental health of young people!

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