If you’ve ever been to a large fan convention, you know they can be quite the spectacle! While the busy atmosphere and range of exciting activities is a major attraction, for some people, it can be overwhelming. With the Reset Room, we want to help everyone enjoy fan conventions to the fullest!

Since 2017 we have been bringing relaxation spaces to fan conventions. Now branded the Reset Room, we have provided a calm respite to events such as MCM Comic Con, EGX, as well as events held by the Science Museum Group.

Reset Room interior

The Reset Room provides a space away from the bright lights, noise, and hustle and bustle of the show floor. The idea is to give visitors time to relax and mentally recharge, so that they can get back out there and enjoy the show! Many visitors feel more confident to attend the event knowing that they can come to us if they need to rewind for a moment.

It is a lower stimulation area, along with lo-fi activities to help visitors reduce their stress. We also stock free mental health information booklets that help with common issues people may face.

The room is staffed by our amazing volunteers, who themselves have an interest in mental health and helping people: but importantly, they are also fans themselves who know exactly how cool it is to attend events like these.

Reset Room volunteers

We can see over a thousand visitors across the course of an event, so we’ve had people use the room for all kinds of reasons. Visitors report having mental health conditions such as anxiety, or physical health conditions that cause them to tire easily. We also have neurodiverse visitors, like autistic people who need a break from high stimulation. Some people simply want some time out!

Whatever their reason for attending, it’s clear visitors value out presence, with some even telling us they feel more confident attending the event knowing that the Reset Room is there. We’re noted by Reed Exhibitions as one of the elements that make events such as MCM Comic Con more accessible.

Perhaps we will see you at a future event!

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