Understanding how video games interact with mental health is a key step in supporting the mental health of video game players. Here you can find our involvement with research into this fascinating area, including calls for participants.

  • Groundbreaking research finds what stresses esports athletes – and how they cope

    Groundbreaking research finds what stresses esports athletes – and how they cope

    Gaming the Mind’s Dr Atheeshaan Arumuham joined researchers from the universities of Chichester and Winchester to study stressors facing esports athletes. They identified 51 stress factors, including communication issues and criticism. Esports athletes use various coping strategies, but may benefit from more problem-solving and emotion-regulating strategies. The need for psychological skills training and communication training…

  • Join ADHD Gaming Exercise Study with BREAD Lab at Kingston University

    Join ADHD Gaming Exercise Study with BREAD Lab at Kingston University

    We’ve partnered with BREAD Lab to research if exercise-based video games can help kids with ADHD stay active. Seeking parents of kids aged 7-12 for online survey participation. Also, looking for families whose 7-11-year-old has ADHD to participate in playtesting at Kingston University London. This will help develop an exercise program for kids with ADHD.

  • Supporting Mental Health Foundation’s research with gamers: key findings

    Supporting Mental Health Foundation’s research with gamers: key findings

    Gaming the Mind were part of an expert panel for The Mental Health Foundation’s study on mental health and gaming, which tracked the experiences of video game players aged 16 to 60 over 3 weeks. Positive effects included reduced worry and anxiety; better social connections, and stress relief. However, participants also noted negatives, such as…

  • Professional Esports Athletes’ Mental Health Study: Insights and Recommendations

    Professional Esports Athletes’ Mental Health Study: Insights and Recommendations

    The University of Chichester and international researchers are investigating the mental health of professional esports athletes, particularly in the game Counter-Strike. Dr. Atheeshaan Arumuham of Gaming the Mind highlighted that many players experience poor mental wellbeing and symptoms of depression. The aim is to understand the pressures faced and develop support systems for improved mental…

  • Gamers’ loot box concerns: our comment on Gambling Health Alliance research

    Gamers’ loot box concerns: our comment on Gambling Health Alliance research

    A study by the Gambling Health Alliance (GHA) found that 91% of young gamers view loot boxes as a form of gambling. The #LidOnLoots campaign aims to ban paid loot boxes for under-18s due to mental health and financial concerns. Gaming the Mind commented that these concerns should be taken seriously.


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